News Archive

On April 4th, this year's Girls' Day takes place at Fraunhofer MEVIS in Lübeck and Bremen.

Congratulations to our group member Jan Lellmann for receiving the 2024 Heliprof prize for best teaching in the STEM section!

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Johannes Voigts has joined our team. We warmly welcome him and wish him a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Ole Gildemeister has joined our team. We warmly welcome him and wish him a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

Natacha Kuete Meli successfully defended her PhD-Thesis on April 23rd, 2024.
Congratulations, Natacha!

Danielle Bednarski successfully defended her PhD-Thesis on April 19th, 2024.
Congratulations, Danielle!

 The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Tanja Loßau has joined our team. We warmly welcome her and wish her a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

Frederic Kanter successfully defended his PhD-Thesis on June 30th, 2023.
Congratulations, Fred!

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Johannes Bostelmann has joined our team. We warmly welcome him and wish him a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Temke Kohlbrandt has joined our team. We warmly welcome her and wish her a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!


The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Pia Schulz has joined our team. We warmly welcome her and wish her a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Angela Tesdorpf has joined our team. We warmly welcome her and wish her a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Till Nicke has joined our team. We warmly welcome him and wish him a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

If you are interested in studying in Lübeck, check out our new study program page!

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Saskia Neuber has joined our team. We warmly welcome her and wish her a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

Sonja Jäckle successfully defended her PhD-Thesis on September 30th, 2021. Congratulations, Sonja!

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: M.Sc. Sina Walluscheck has joined our team. We warmly welcome her and wish her a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Dr. Florian Mannel has joined our team. We warmly welcome him and wish him a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

A position as research assistant is available at the MIC at the earliest possible time. The possibility of doctoral studies is given. Further details can be found under "Career & Education".

At the SSVM 2021 Danielle Bednarski has been awarded the best student paper award for her paper "Inverse Scale Space Iterations for Non-Convex Variational Problems Using Functional Lifting". 

The paper is a joined work with her doctorate supervisor Jan Lellmann and is supported through the DFG grant LE 4064/1-1 "Functional Lifting 2.0: Effiecient Convexifications for Imaging and Vision" and NVIDIA Corporation.

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Natacha Kuete Meli has joined our team. We warmly welcome her and wish her a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

Kai Brehmer successfully defended his PhD-Thesis on March 24th, 2021.


Congratulations, Kai!

Two positions as research assistants are available at the MIC at the earliest possible time. The possibility of doctoral studies or Habilitation is given. Further details can be found under "Career & Education".

Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt ist am MIC eine Stelle als wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in zu besetzen. Die Möglichkeit zur Habilitation ist gegeben. Weitere Einzelheiten sind zu finden unter "Career & Education".

 Medical Imaging with Deep Learning

 Lübeck, 7 ‑ 9 July 2021

The University of Lübeck has become a central hub for AI and its medical applications in northern Germany. As such, we are proud to announce that MIC will be co-hosting the conference on "Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL)" in Lübeck from 7 to 9 July 2021. The conference is organized by the Institute for Robotics and Cognitive Systems (Floris Ernst, University of Lübeck), the Institute for Medical Informatics (Mattias Paul Heinrich, University of Lübeck), the Institute of Medical Technology and Intelligent Systems (Alexander Schlaefer, TU Hamburg), and our Institute of Mathematics and Image Computing (Jan Lellmann, University of Lübeck).

For the Call for Papers and all further information about MIDL 2021, please check the official website:

Johannes Lotz successfully defended his PhD-Thesis on April 30th, 2020.


Congratulations, Johannes!

 Please check the page Aktuelles under Teaching to get the latest information on "digital teaching" during the ongoing COVID-19 precautions!

This year's Girls' Day will not take place at Fraunhofer MEVIS in Lübeck as precaution regarding Corona.

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Maximilian Wessel has joined our team. We warmly welcome him and wish him a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

Roland Haase, Master of Science (M.Sc.) an der Universität zu Lübeck, wurde mit dem Professor-Dr.-Werner-Petersen-Preis der Technik 2019 ausgezeichnet.

Thomas Vogt successfully defended his PhD-Thesis on January 27th, 2020.


Congratulations, Thomas!

On March 26th, this year's Girls' Day takes place at Fraunhofer MEVIS in Lübeck and Bremen.

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Stephanie Häger has joined our team. We warmly welcome her and wish her a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

A Computational Science and Engineering Workshop, combined with a Young Researchers Meeting, is going to take place in Plön, Germany from March 23-26, 2019.

Further information is published on the corresponding website.

Am 19. November 2019 um 13:30 Uhr wird Maximilian Wessel von der TU Braunschweig einen Vortrag zum Thema "Entropische Regularisierung des optimalen Transports" halten.

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Danielle Bednarski has joined our team. We warmly welcome her and wish her a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

Ab 01. Januar 2020 ist am MIC eine Stelle als wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in zu besetzen. Die Möglichkeit zur Promotion ist gegeben. Weitere Einzelheiten sind zu finden unter "Career & Education".

The MIC team is happy to announce changes: Daniel Budelmann and Roland Haase have joined our team.

We warmly welcome them and wish them a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

On July, 22 3:00 pm Lars Ruthotto, Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Emory University in Atlanta, will give a talk on "Deep Neural Networks motivated by PDEs“

Sven Kuckertz wurde auf der Jahrenstagung der "Inititiative Bildverarbeitung" für seine Masterarbeit mit dem "Fokusfinder 2019" ausgezeichnet.

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Sven Kuckertz has joined our team. We warmly welcome him and wish him a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

We are inviting applications for one research assistant in the area of optimization and mathematical image processing.

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Annkristin Lange has joined our team. We warmly welcome her and wish her a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

Lars König successfully defended his PhD-Thesis on November 8th, 2018.


Congratulations, Lars!

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Dr. Marian Himstedt has joined our team. We warmly welcome him and wish him a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

On November, 14 3:15 pm Sune Darkner, Associate Professor in Medical Image Analysis at the University of Copenhagen, will give a talk on "Locally Orderless Registration and Image Similaritry“

On November, 01 10 am Fedor Shchitov, M.Sc. from the University of Bonn will give a talk on "Functional a posteriori error estimates for non-convex variational problems“

On October, 26 10 am Floor Lambers, Ph. D. from Stryker Sports Medicine will give a talk on "Advancements in pre-operative planning for femoroacetabular impingement“

We are happy to announce that the MIC is co-organizing next years SSVM conference.

Further information is published on the corresponding website.

The MIC team is happy to announce changes: Dana Knabe and Hari Om Aggrawal have joined our team.

We warmly welcome them and wish them a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

On August, 2 4pm Nasim Khoonkari from the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, will give a talk on "A Method for Slice Interpolation Optimization in Medical Images"

On June, 25 2pm Alexander Oliver Mader from the University of Applied Sciences Kiel will give a talk on "Detection and localization of spatially correlated point landmarks in medical images using an automatically learned conditional random field"

Thomas Polzin successfully defended his PhD-Thesis on Thursday, May 31st, 2018.  

Congratulations, Thomas!

The MIC team is happy to announce that Bernhard Schmitzer has joined our team: We warmly welcome him and wish him a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

On April 26th, this year's Girls' Day takes place at Fraunhofer MEVIS in Bremen and Lübeck.

On February 28, 2018 3 pm ct., Dr. Bernhard Schmitzer from the Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics from the University of Münster, will give a talk on "Unbalanced Optimal Transport".

The MIC team is happy to announce that a new member has joined our team: We warmly welcome Caterina Rust and wish her a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

On December 12, 2017 3 pm st., Dr. Yury Korolev from the Workgroup Imaging Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics from the University of Münster, will give a talk on "Inverse Problems with Errors in the Forward Operator and Applications in Deblurring".

Our MIC team is happy to announce that Sonja Jäckle has joined our team.

We warmly welcome her and wish her a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

On October 18, 2017 3 pm ct, Dr. Siawoosh Mohammadi from the Research Group "QMRI & in vivo histology", Department of Systems Neuroscience Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, will give a talk on "Challenges of validating MRI-based in vivo histology".

Thomas Vogt was interviewed by Cambridge +plus magazine. Congratulations!

The poster of our masters students Caterina Rust and Stephanie Häger was nominated for the poster price at the annual meeting of the Society of Biomedical Engineering.

Have a look at the poster <link fileadmin micupload studentprojects posters rust_bmt_2017.pdf download file>here.

A Computational Science and Engineering Workshop, combined with a Young Researchers Meeting, is going to take place in Plön, Germany from March 26-29, 2018.

Further information is published on the corresponding website.

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Alessa Hering has joined our team.

We warmly welcome her and wish her a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

Constantin Sandmann successfully defended his PhD-Thesis on Monday, July 10th 2017.  

Congratulations, Constantin!

On July 12, 2017 3 pm ct, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schäfers from the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI), will give a talk on "Bewegungskorrektur in der klinischen Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie".

Jan Rühaak successfully defended his PhD-Thesis on Friday, June 23th 2017.  

Congratulations, Jan!

On July 5, 2017 3 pm ct, Ass. Prof. Lars Ruthotto from the Emory University Atlanta, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science will give a talk on "An Optimal Control Approach to Deep Learning".

On June 28, 2017 3 pm ct, Prof. Dr. Benjamin Berkels from the RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science (AICES), will give a talk on "Variational Image Processing for Electron Microscopy"

The MIC team is happy to announce a change: Kai Brehmer has joined our team.

We warmly welcome him and wish him a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

On 24. April 2017 15:15, Erlend Hodneland from the University of Bergen will give a talk on "Modelling and simulation of brain perfusion in a flow network".

On April 27th, this year's Girls' Day takes place at Fraunhofer MEVIS in Bremen and Lübeck.

On 1. February 2017 11:00 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Hansen, Head of Computer Assisted Surgery Group from the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg will give a talk on "Fortgeschrittene Techniken zur visuellen Navigationsunterstützung in der Chirurgie und der interventionellen Radiologie".

On 25 January 2017, 15:30, Hari Om Aggrawal from the Technical University of Denmark DTU Compute, Section for Scientific Computing will give a talk on "A Convex Reconstruction Model for X-ray Tomographic Imaging with Uncertain Flat-fields"

With the beginning of the new year 2017, the MIC team is happy to announce changes: Yury Korolev and Benjamin Wacker have joined our team.

We warmly welcome them and wish them a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

On 30th November 2016 15:30, Alexander Oliver Mader from the University of Applied Sciences Kiel will give a talk on "Localization of Spatially Correlated Objects using Regression

Tree Ensembles and a Conditional Random Field".

On Wednesday, Aug. 31 at 3 pm ct, Ed Castillo from Rice University / Beaumont Health System Research Institute will give a talk on "Quantifying the Effects of Cancer Radiotherapy with CT-Derived Functional Imaging".

Our paper "Sublabel–Accurate Relaxation of Nonconvex Energies" received the Best Paper Honorable Mention Award at CVPR 2016.

On July 22, 11 st., Lars Ruthotto from Emory University Atlanta will give a talk on "Numerical Optimization with Hyperbolic PDE-Constraints".

On Wednesday, July 20th, 15 ct., PD Dr.-Ing. Harald Köstler from the FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg will give a talk on "Advanced Stencil Code Engineering".

On April 20th, 15 ct, Andreas Husch from the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg / University of Luxembourg and the Trier University of Applied Sciences will give a talk on "Deep Brain Stimulation - Current Issues from an Applied Perspective"

We warmly welcome Thomas Vogt to our team at MIC! Today, April 1st, is his first of many days with us, and we wish him all the best for his new challenges!

37th Northern German Colloquium on Applied Analysis and Numerical Mathematics, April 22-23,2016

On April 28th, this year's Girls' Day takes place at Fraunhofer MEVIS in Bremen and Lübeck.

On Feb. 23, 15:15 h, Dr. Bernhard Schmitzer from CEREMADE of the Dauphine Université Paris will give a talk on "A Sparse Multi-Scale Algorithm for Dense Optimal Transport".

Zum 1. April ist am MIC eine Stelle als wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in zu besetzen. Die Möglichkeit zur Promotion ist gegeben. Weitere Einzelheiten sind zu finden unter "Career & Education".

On Feb. 2, 15.00, Martin Skovgaard Andersen from the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Compute) will give a talk on "Large-scale numerical optimization with applications in computed tomography".

From October 1, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jan Lellmann will be joining the Institute of Mathematics and Image Computing (MIC) at the Universität zu Lübeck.

On Oct. 28, 15 ct, Daniel Tenbrinck from the University Münster will give a talk on "Partial Difference Equations on Graphs with Applications in Image and Data Processing"

On September 14, the Institute celebrated its twentieth anniversary with an official ceremony in Bremen’s City Hall.

Florian Tramnitzke wurde auf der Jahrenstagung der "Inititiative Bildverarbeitung" für seine Masterarbeit mit dem "Fokusfinder 2015" ausgezeichnet.

On Wendesday, May 27, 16.00, Clarisa Sánchez. Ph.D., from the Diagnostic Image Analysis Group at Radboud UMC Nijmegen, Holland, will give a talk on "Retinal Image Analysis: A Cost-Efficient Peek to the Retina".

On June 24, 15 ct, Jamie McClelland from UCL London, will give a talk on "Combining Image Registration, Respiratory Motion Modelling, and Motion Compensated Image Reconstruction".

Die Fraunhofer MEVIS Projektgruppe Bildregistrierung beteiligt sich wieder am Girls' Day am 23.4.2015.

As of today, Wednesday April 1st, the MIC team faces some changes: Martin Benning and Kangling Chen are leaving us to take on new tasks in Camebridge and Munich. And we are very happy to welcome our newest team member, Christian Bey, and we all wish him a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!

On Thursday, Feb. 26, 13.00, Christian Bey will give a talk on "Combinatorial Isoperimetric and Diametric Problems". Christian Bey will join the MIC-Team for the summer semester as a visiting professor.

Nick Weiss, Mitarbeiter des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Bildgestützte Medizin MEVIS, Lübeck, wird mit dem Prof. Dr. Werner Petersen-Preis der Technik 2014 ausgezeichnet.

On December 17th, 15.00, Ed Castillo, Ph.D., Radiotherapy Research Scientist at the Department of Radiation Oncology of the

Beaumont Health System and Adjunct Assistant Professorat the

Computational and Applied Mathematics Department at

Rice University, Houston, USA, will give a talk on "Topics in Medical Image Registration: Modeling, Accuracy, and Optimization".

On Wednesday Nov. 19th, 15.00, Simon Hermann, M.Sc., from the Humboldt University of Berlin will give a talk on "Semi-global Matching for 3D Image Registration".

On Wednesday, Nov. 5, 15.30, Prof. Amir Madany from the Institute for Neuro- and Bioinformatics of the University of Lübeck will give a talk on " Machine Learning for biomedical data analysis of complex data".

On October 30, 16.00, Prof. Dr. Julia Welzel, Chief Physician of the Clinic for Dermatology and Allergology of the Klinikum Augsburg, will give a talk on "Bildgebende Diagnostik in der Dermatologie". The talk will be held in German.

On Wednesday, Oct. 29, 15 ct. Clemens Kiristis from the University of Vienna will give a talk on "Optical Flow on Evolving Surfaces".

As of today, Wednesday October 15th, our team will be supported by Florian Tramnitzke! We wish him a warm welcome and all the best for his upcoming challenges mainly concerning GPGPU programming.

Today, we are welcoming the two newest members to our team, Martin Benning and Nick Weiss. We wish them all the best for their future with MIC and Fraunhofer MEVIS!

On Wednesday, Oct. 1st, 15.00, Norman Zerbe form the Department Digital Pathology and IT of the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, will give a talk on "Automatic segmentation, classification and alignment of consecutive sections for block centric navigation".

On September 3rd, 15 ct, Martin Benning from the Margnetic Ressonance Research Centre of the University of Cambridge, UK, will give a talk on „Variational Methods for Magnetic Resonance Velocity Imaging“.

On July 16th, 17.00, Prof. Dr. Gerlind Plonka-Hoch from the Institute of Numerical and Applied Mathematics of the Georg-August-University Göttingen will give a talk on "Sparse Approximation using Prony-like Methods".

The Fraunhofer MEVIS Project Group Image Registration Lübeck is currently looking for support (research associate) in the field of software development & testing.


On June 18, 15 ct., Marc Niethammer, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will give a talk on the "Registration of Image Time Series".

On June 11, 11:15, Dr. Dagmar Kainmüller from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, will give a talk on "Active Graph Matching for Automatic Simultaneous Segmentation and Annotation of C. Elegans"

On June 4th, 15.00, Dr. Lars Ruthotto from the University of British Columbia will give a talk on "Parameter Estimation with Reduced Models".

Due to private reasons, we have to cancel the announced talk by Dr.-Ing. Harald Koestler. A new appointment will follow, and we will keep you informed as soon as possible.

On May 7th, 15 ct., Dr.-Ing. Harald Koestler from the Department of Computer Science of the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg will give a talk on "Platform-independent description of imaging algorithms"

On Wednesday, Mar. 26, 15.00, Dennis Säring from the Institute of Computational Neuroscience (Medical Informatics) of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf will give a talk titled "Von Kopf bis Fuß - Medizinische Bildverarbeitung in der klinischen Forschung am UKE ".


Die Fraunhofer MEVIS Projektgruppe Bildregistrierung beteiligt sich am diesjährigen Girls' Day am 27.3.2014

Congratulations, Björn!

On Feb. 11, 2014, 15.00, Prof. Dr. Bernd Kawohl from the Mathematical Institute of the University Cologne will give a talk on "An Analyst's View at Image Processing"

Mathematische Masterarbeit für ein neues Verfahren zur Bildregistrierung computertomografischer Daten der Lunge

On Wednesday, Jan. 29, 15.00, Mattias Heinrich from the Institute of Medical Informatics of the University on Lübeck will give a talk on "Contrast- and modality-invariant self-similarity descriptors for deformable image registration".

On Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2014, 9.30, Prof. Dr. Carsten Meyer from the University of Applied Sciences Kiel will give a talk on "Segmentierung multi-modaler medizinischer Bilddaten mit formbeschränkten deformierbaren Modellen".

As of January 2, 2014 we warmly welcome Nadine Traulsen as the newest member of our team. Nadine has just finished her Master's studies in Medical Engineering Science at the University of Lübeck. We all wish her a good start and lots of success for her new challenges!

Congratulations, Janine!

As of today, we warmly welcome two new members to our team. Thomas Peter and Anna-Katharina Trull. We all wish them both all the best and good luck as well as success in their new positions!

On October 9, 17 ct. Dr. Pham Quy Muoi of the University Bremen will present a talk on "Algorithms for nonsmooth optimization problems and applications".

On Monday, September 2, 17 ct, Dipl.-Inf (FH) Robert Haase from OncoRay, Dresden, will give a talk on "Konturierung von Niedrigkontrast-PET-Daten mittels Schwarmintelligenz".

On August 28th, 17 ct., Dr. Christian Gaser of the University of Jena will give a talk on "Surface-based morphometry of structural MRI-Data".

Thomas Polzin erhält Auszeichnung für den besten Master-Abschluss seines Studienganges

We are very pleased to annouce that Alexander Derksen has joined our team here at MIC as of today, July 15th. Welcome, Alex!

On Wed., July 3, 17 ct., Dr. Thomas Peter from the University Göttingen will give a talk on the "Generalized Prony Method"

Dr. Benjamin Berkels took on his new challenge today. Among other topics, his lectures will cover the field of optimization. We warmly welcome Benjamin an wish him all the best!

Constantin Heck won this year's BVM-Award for best presentation. Congratulations!

Roelof Berg won this years "Börje Holmberg Award" for his bachelor's thesis "Performance Enhancement in Medical Image Registration through Multicore Signal Processors", which was supervised by Jan Rühaak and Lars König of the Franhofer MEVIS Project Group Image Registration. This annual award is sponsored by the Wilhelm-Büchner-Hochschule Darmstadt.

We warmly welcome Kerstin Sietas as a new member of the MIC-team! Kerstin took on her new challanges on Feb. 1st. We all wish her a good start!

On Feb. 6, 17 ct, Dr. Benjamin Berkels from the Institute for Numerical Simulations, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, will give a talk on "Variational Image Reconstruction Using Nonrigid Registration".

On Wednesday, January 30th, 17ct., Dr. Sven Kabus, Senior Scientist at the Department Digital Imaging, Philips Technologie GmbH will give a talk on "Image registration in clinical practice"

Lars Ruthotto successfully defended his PhD-Thesis

"Hyperelastic Image Registration - Theory, Numerical Methods, and Applications" 

on Monday, November 26th.

Congratulations, Lars!

Press realase:

Sapiens announces start of IMPACT, a 5M€ European project to improve Deep Brain Stimulation

Auf der diesjährigen MEDICA präsentiert die Fraunhofer MEVIS Projektgruppe Bildregistrierung in Lübeck eines der schnellsten nicht-rigiden Verfahren zur Lungenregistrierung.

MIC is happy to announce that a new member joined our team: Thomas Polzin. He will be a Ph.D student as of today, Nov 1st, 2012. Welcome!

On October 24, 17 ct., Prof. Dr. Axel Mosig from the Ruhr University Bochum, Bioinformatics Group, Department of Biophysics, will give a talk on "Hierarchical Image Representations and Applications in Bioimage Analysis".

MIC is happy to announce that the new member joined our team: Mark Schenk. He will take on the new challenges as of today, Oct 1st, 2012.

On September 26, 17 ct., Siawoosh Mohammadi from the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL Institute of Neurology, University College London, will give a talk about "Using SPM for artefact correction in DTI".

Would you like to join our team? Please do have a look at "Career & Education" if our job position fits you.

Die Sozialistische Jugend Deutschlands - Die Falken leistet mit ihrem ganzjährigen Aktions- und Bildungsprogramm unter der Überschrift "Bildgebende Verfahren" einen eigenen Beitrag zu "Lübeck - Stadt der Wissenschaft". Am Samstag konnten Jugendliche an einer Exkursion zur Fraunhofer MEVIS Projektgruppe Bildregistrierung teilnehmen.

Lars König erhält Auszeichnung für den besten Master-Abschluss

Unfortunately, we need to cancel today's talk. We will inform you about a new date as soon as possible.

On Wednesday, June 20th, 17ct., Prof. Dr. Martin Burger from the Institute of Numerical and Applied Mathematics of the University of Münster, will give a talk on "Nonlinear Variational Methods in 4D Imaging".

MIC is happy to announce that two new members joined our team: Dr. Kanglin Chen and Constantin Heck. Both colleagues will take on their new challenges as of today, June 1st, 2012.

On May 30, 13.30, Mag. rer. net. Stefan Fürtinger of the University of Graz, Austria, will give a talk on "An Approach for Computing Binary Edge Maps"

Prof. Dr. Bernd Fischer thematisierte Dimensionalitäten in der Mathematik und in den Naturwissenschaften im Rahmen der PetriVision zum Thema "Zeit als Dimension"

Am 16 Mai, um 13.15 Uhr, wird Prof. Oliver Schmitt vom Institut für Anatomie der Universität zu Rostock einen Vortrag zum Thema: "Integration von Ontologien, Bildmodalitäten und Konnektomen für populationsbasierte Simulationen" halten.

We are very happy to welcome our new team member Marc Hallmann.

On Wednesday, 2 May 2012 - 17 c.t., Prof. Dr. Horst Frankenberger will give a talk on "Einführung zu regulatorischen Forderungen an Medizinprodukte - Medizinproduktegesetz MPG". The talk will be in German.

On Wednesday, April 25., 17 c.t., Dr. Frank Wübbeling from the Institute of Numerical and Applied Mathematic of the University of Münster, will give a talk on "Using Sampling theory for Resolution Estimation in emission tomography".

On Wednesday, April 18., 17 c.t., Dr. Dennis Trede from the Steinbeis Innovation Center SCiLS, Bremen, will give a talk on "SCiLS Lab: software for analysis and interpretation of large MALDI-IMS datasets".

On 11 April, 17 c.t., Dr. Marek Junghans and Dr. Karsten Kozempel from DLR, Institute of Transportation, Berlin, will give talks about "Weiträumige Verkehrsmessung: Bewegungsbestimmung durch robuste Regression" and "Situations- und Gefahrenerkennung in Verkehrsszenen". Both talks will be in German.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Fischer, Judith Berger und Janine Olesch halten Vorlesung für Kinder zwischen 8 und 12 Jahren

The paper "A Simplified Pipeline for Motion Correction of Dual Gated PET" - a collaboration with the Univeristy of Münster - won the jury price for the best scientific contribution on the workshop Bilverarbeitung für die Medizin in Berlin.

On Wednesday, March 21, 17 ct, Dagmar Kainmüller from Zuse-Institut Berlin will give a talk on "Omnidirectional Displacements for Deformable Surfaces".

Am Institute of Mathematics and Image Computing der Universität zu Lübeck ist zum 1. April 2012 eine Stelle eines/einer


wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters/Mitarbeiterin


zunächst befristet auf 3 Jahre zu besetzen.

On Tuesday, Feb. 21 2012, 16 ct, Dr. Jan-Michael Frahm, Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will give a talk on "Fast Scalable Dense Reconstruction of the World from Photos and Video"

On Wednesday, Feb 15 2012, 17 ct., a.o. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Stephen L. Keeling from the Institute for Mathematics and Scientific Computing of the Karl-Franzens University of Graz, will give a talk on "Consistent Discretizations for Vanishing Regularization Solutions to Image Processing Problems"


On 8 February, 17 c.t., Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Inf. Hanno Schumacher from MiE GmbH, Seth, will give a talk about "Szintigraphie und SPECT - Von der Messung zur Auswertung". The talk will be in German.

On 1 February, 17 c.t., Dr. Konstantin Ens from EUROIMMUN AG Lübeck will give a talk about "EUROPattern". The talk will be in German.

On January 18, 16.00, Prof. Daniel Rückert from the Department of Computing, Imperial College London, will give a talk about "Learning and Discovery of Clinically Useful Information from Medical Images".

Lars won the jury-award for 2nd best 3 minute presentation and will represent Schleswig-Holstein at the national final in Bielefeld on March 31 - Congratulations, Lars!

In the course of the opening ceremony "Lübeck - Stadt der Wissenschaft 2012" on Friday 13 January 2012, founding members of the new BioMedTec Wissenschaftscampus signed the founding agreement.

We are very happy to welcome our new team members Lars König and Johannes Lotz.

Monday and Tuesday, Dec 5. and 6., the DCE-MRI-Meeting of MIC Lübeck and MddViz Bergen will take place here in Lübeck as a follow up of a joint project with the University of Lübeck.

Am Mittwoch, den 7.12.2011, um 17.15 Uhr wird Prof. Dr. Claus-C. Glüer von der Sektion Biomedizinische Bildgebung der Klinik für Diagnostische Radiologie Kiel einen Vortrag zum Thema: "Parametrische präklinische und klinische Bildgebung - aktuelle Projekte der Sektion Biomedizinische Bildgebung" halten.

On Nov. 7th, 17.15, Prof. Antonella Zanna Munthe-Kaas

On Nov. 9, 17.15, Prof. K. Joost Batenburg from the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica Amsterdam will give a talk about "Recent Developments in Discrete Tomography".

On 11 + 12 October 2011, Wolf Spindler, computer scientist at Fraunhofer MeVis Bremen, will teach an Introductory course on the usage and programming of MeVisLab.

A.o. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Stephen L. Keeling (Institut für Mathematik und wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz) hält einen Vortrag zum Thema "Higher Order Mulitphase Image Segmentation and Registration"

Britta Göbel won the award for 2nd best poster at the 2011 Workshop on Systems Biology in Lübeck

Presentation of Fraunhofer MEVIS Project Group Image Registration in the presence of Schleswig-Holstein's Minister of Science, Economic Affairs and Transport, Jost de Jager at the Universität zu Lübeck

Die Fraunhofer MEVIS Projektgruppe Bildregistrierung in Lübeck präsentiert sich im Beisein des Ministers für Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Verkehr, Jost de Jager, an der Universität zu Lübeck

MITACS Iinternational Focus Period

Am Donnerstag, dem 28. Juli, 13. 15 Uhr, wird Andreas Mang vom Institut für Medizintechnik einen Vortrag zum Thema "Bildbasierte Modellierung von Tumorwachstum" halten.

Alexander Derksen won the "Fokusfinder" for the best Bachelor's thesis

We are happy to welcome our new team member, Judith Berger.

We are happy to announce that MIC and Fraunhofer MEVIS Lübeck moved to their new offices on tuesday, May 24. The MFC-2 building is located closely to the university's campus at Maria-Goeppert-Str. 1a, 23562 Lübeck.

From now on, please use our new phonenumbers! Please be aware that contact by phone may be limited from monday afternoon until tuesday evening.

Am Mittwoch, den 27. April 2011, 17 ct., wird Torben Möller einen Vortrag über "Optimierung auf Lie-Gruppen und der Demons-Algorithmus von Thirion" halten

On the BVM-workshop 2011 Veronika Zimmer, master-student at MIC, has won the price for the best poster presentation. Together with her co-authors Nils Papenberg, Jan Modersitzki and Bernd Fischer she presented a novel registration method for images coming up in burn analysis. 

We are happy to welcome Till Kipshagen as a new member of our team!

On Wednesday, 23 February 2011, 17 ct., Dr. Maria Monserrat Rincon-Camacho will give a talk on "Automated Regularization Parameter Selection for Total Variation Based Image Restoration"

On Monday, 31 January 2011, 17 ct., Professor Keeling will give a talk on "Image Registration for Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Image Sequences"

Tuesday, 11 January 2011, 10.30 s.t., SFS

Fabian Gigengack
works at the European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI), University of Münster.

Title Motion Correction in Gated Cardiac PET

Abstract Different imaging techniques have been developed and improved during the last years and decades to get better insight into the human body. Compared to (primarily) morphological imaging techniques like CT or MRI, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) makes it possible to look at the metabolism, i.e. functionality, of the human body. This property of PET makes it possible to visualize for example the metabolism of glucose which helps to examine coronary artery diseases.

However, a problem of PET is image degradation due to patient and organ motion caused by relatively long acquisition times. This motion problem can be tackled with image processing techniques. For example list-mode-driven gating along with motion estimation techniques can be applied to compensate for respiratory and cardiac motion induced blurring.

While respiratory motion is more or less locally rigid, cardiac motion is highly non-linear, causing partial volume effect induced intensity irregularities. To overcome these intensity irregularities, the mass-preserving (respectively radioactivity- preserving) nature of PET images has to be taken into account. The preservation of radioactivity means that the total amount of radioactivity is approximately constant over all gates.

A variational registration framework will be presented where the radioactivity-preserving property of PET is considered in terms of a new transformation model. The method will be illustrated and validated on patient data.

 Contact: Lars Ruthotto

On Tuesday, 7 December  2010, Stefan Heldmann and Nils Papenberg will give an overview about current software development for image registration. The talk will be in German.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010, 17 ct. - H1, SFS

Dr. Christoph Brune works in the Workgroup Imaging at the Institute for Computional and Applied Mathematics, University of Münster.

Title: 4D Imaging and Registration using Optimal Transport and Sparsity Concepts

Abstract: This talk contributes to the field of time-dependent image processing and inverse problems. Such problems arise in a wide variety of applications, particularly in biomedical applications, such as dynamic positron emission tomography, life-cell fluorescence microscopy or fast magnetic resonance imaging sequences.

The first goal of this talk is to present models, analysis and algorithms for accurate 3D static reconstruction in biomedical imaging based on total variation and Bregman distances. Standard imaging methods do not incorporate time dependent information or dynamics, e.g. heart beat or breathing in tomography, or cell motion in microscopy. This can lead to insufficient accuracy particularly at object boundaries, e.g. at cardiac walls.

Aiming this deficiency of simultaneous registration is the second goal of this talk. We present models, analysis, and efficient algorithms for 4D reconstructions in biomedical imaging using optimal transport and sparsity concepts. We discuss constraint optimization models combining reconstruction techniques known from inverse problems, spatio-temporal regularization and mass conservation.

The numerical realization is based on multigrid preconditioned Newton-SQP methods with filtered line-search. In the case of nonlinear spatio-temporal regu- larization we present efficient operator splitting techniques with preconditioning facilitating parallelization on GPUs. Dynamic large-scale biomedical data illustrate the performance of our methods.


Contact: Lars Ruthotto




On Tuesday, 30 November 2010, Björn Beuthien will give an overview about his current work. The talk will be in German.

On Tuesday, 23 November 2010, Veronika Zimmer will give a talk about her work on multispectral image data for burn analysis. The talk will be in German.

On Tuesday, 16 November 2010, Sven Barendt will provide an overview of the XCAT software. This presentation will be given in German.

Tuesday November 09, 2010 at 16:30 in Cook / Karp H64

Auszeichnung für herausragende Nachwuchs- wissenschaftler

Monday, 6 September 2010, at 16.00 in Room 68/69, Ground Floor, Building 64

Block Course: "Introduction to OpenCL for medical imaging" (11 - 15 October, 2010)

Nils Papenberg received the Fokusfinder 2010 award by the Initiative Bildverarbeitung, the Innovationstiftung Schleswig-Holstein and the Basler AG for his dissertation.

Download a pdf version of the conference booklet with the final program

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 17:15 in H1 SFS

Thursday, June 24th, 2010 at 14.15 in room 113 SFS

MIC gives Workshop on Medical Image Registration

The WBIR 2010 will take place in Lübeck from 11-13 July 2010!

The Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration aims to bring together leading researchers in the area of biomedical image registration to present and discuss recent developments in the field. The format of the two-day workshop will include both oral and poster presentations and offers opportunities for discussion.

Previous WBIRs took place in Bled, Slovenia (1999), at the University of Pennsylvania, USA (2003) and in Utrecht, The Netherlands (2006).

The workshop is supported by the division of the German Society for Informatics (GI).

Visit for more information about the conference.

The MIC team is happy to announce changes: Daniel Budelmann and Roland Haase have joined our team.

We warmly welcome them and wish them a good start and interesting work here in Lübeck!