Open Positions at MEVIS and MIC

  • The Institute of Mathematics and Image Computing (MIC) has an opening for a Research Assistant position starting June 1, 2025 (or later). Application deadline is April 7, 2025. Details on how to apply can be found in the official announcement 1003/25 (please see this link).

  • For job offers at MEVIS in general, see this link.
  • Proactive applications are most welcome!

Please feel free to share these advertisements.


If you are seeking an internship at MEVIS or MIC, please submit your application as one PDF document of at most 15 MB  to, including

  • Cover letter
  • Resumé
  • References (if applicable, e.g. secondary school diplomas, university degrees, relevant employment certificates, scientific publications, and letters of reference)
  • intended duration of internship (date of beginning) and a copy of your respective study and examination regulations

Your Application Form

Your application should include

  1. cover letter
  2. curriculum vitae
  3. certificates
  4. a link to your latest scientic contribution (e.g. Bachelor- or Masterthesis, paper; if applicable)

Looking Forward

If you need further information, please feel free to contact us.

MEVIS and MIC is looking forward welcoming you as a new member of our team!